How do you nurture your soul? What does that look like for you? It looks like a LOT of different things for me. I could probably rattle off 20 – 25 ways I engage in activities that nurture my soul. But, today, I’m going to create a short list – not in any specific order, but the first 10 ways to nurture your soul, that come to mind (that don’t have to break the bank!).

- Hike- Ok, this one might be my all time favorite way to nurture my soul. I honestly can’t even begin to find words to describe the way I feel when I’m on a trail. It is absolutely a spiritual experience. God never fails to meet me in those moments. I believe God is always with me, but perhaps I’m more open…more aware of his presence when I’m walking a path, particularly an unknown path, in His beautiful creation. I’m never in a hurry when I hike. My goal is to keep moving my body…challenging my body, while soaking in God’s amazing artwork. For me, there’s just nothing like it.
- Walking my pups – Outdoors again. Obviously a theme. I have a double leash that attaches to vests that my dogs wear. It works great while we walk around town or while we venture out on some trails. Walking the dogs is good for so many reasons. They get to sniff all the things and learn more about being on a leash, I get movement, and I usually allow my mind to dump all the thoughts – deep thoughts, funny thoughts, dreamy thoughts, or praying thoughts.
- Journal – Certainly a tool that is often over-looked and under-utilized. Journaling can take whatever shape you want it to, whether it’s recalling events from the day, jotting down random thoughts, processing difficult emotions and feelings, writing out prayers…the world is your oyster. I use it as a tool for all of the above. It’s a fantastic way to process my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I love to write about the things my kids are doing. And, frequently, I notice my words start flowing into a conversation with God.
- Bake – I don’t think I need to tell you what the scent of freshly baked bread does for the soul. Immediately, I experience feelings of comfort, coziness, warmth, and goodness. I’m sure it has a lot to do with my childhood. My mom didn’t buy us store-bought bread. Ever. Nearly every weekend, I woke to the heavenly scent of freshly made bread, buns, caramel rolls, or blueberry muffins. As an adult, spending time in the kitchen is my time to create and to nurture the people I love.
- Phone a friend – I have not always embraced this one. For years, I was pretty isolated and couldn’t be real with my friends. I thought I just liked my alone time, but I think it was more about me not knowing how to wear a mask and pretend everything is ok. Now, I still enjoy some time alone, but I also love cultivating REAL relationships. I suck at small talk. It’s a struggle. I’m all about getting deep and weird. Spending time with my masks-off community most definitely feeds my soul. My husband and I have created a safe space to be authentic, to be silly, to be vulnerable. I value this so much that I have regularly scheduled “appointments” with my circle throughout the week. It’s a time that we can encourage each other, challenge each other, and pray for each other. So beautiful. So needed.
- Garden – whether it’s tending indoor plants or taking a stroll through a conservatory, being around plants is life-giving. Hang out in North Dakota for a few winters and you will really feel this one. Because of this, I’ve been purposeful about having a green space indoors and outdoors. Not only do I enjoy playing in the dirt, but I also get to reap the benefits of enjoying the spaces as plants and flowers grow and bloom. God created us to enjoy beauty. This one is a no brainer.
- Sit around a fire – the first things I purchased after my separation was outdoor furniture and a fire pit. I quickly went to work to create an outdoor space that I’ve always wanted. My extended family used to gather together around a bonfire in the summer and fall. These evenings were always incredibly special, so I wanted to re-create my own version that I had access to anytime. Tough to beat a crackling fire under the stars. Mesmerizing.
- A drive in the country – turn up the tunes, grab the sunflower seeds, your kids or a friend, or even go solo. Dirt road therapy is legit. It’s just another way to enjoy the outdoors. Pack a picnic, shoot some guns, stop at a lake and skip a few rocks or throw out a line, or don’t have an agenda at all…whatever tickles your fancy.
- Read a book – Someday, I’m going to have a cozy little library in my home. There’s a reason why there are endless memes about snuggling up with a good book. Go to a library, a bookstore, or create a sweet nook at home. Add in a cup of your favorite hot beverage and you’re good to go!
- Cook your favorite meal or try a brand new recipe – slow down and take time to create something savory. Plan ahead, make a date of it and have all the ingredients on hand. Use the “good” dishes, stemware, and cloth napkins. Light candles, choose a relaxing playlist. Create a centerpiece with flowers. Sit down and REALLY enjoy each and every bite.
Do any of these activities help feed your soul? What are your favorite ways to slow down, to fill your tanks so you can be present?